Tuesday 12 January 2016

BUS 320 Assignment 2: Case Study: Michael Dell—The Man Behind Dell

BUS 320 Assignment 2: Case Study: Michael Dell—The Man Behind Dell


Assignment 2: Case Study: Michael Dell—The Man Behind Dell Presentation (Change Management)

Michael Dell began building and selling computers from his dorm room at age 19. He dropped out of the University of Texas when his sales hit $60 million and has never looked back. Dell is said to be the fifteenth richest man in America, and the youngest CEO to make the Fortune 500. Intensely private and notoriously shy, Dell is hailed as a corporate wonder-kid. He climbed to the top by exploiting tax loopholes, outsourcing the competition, and inventing a term called “leveraged recapitalization.”
First, review the following case study:
  • Michael Dell—The man behind Dell: Leading Dell into the future
Then, address the following tasks:

Leading Dell into the Future
Though Michael had a huge fan following amongst business entrepreneurs and industry observers, he had a fair amount of critics as well. Many interviewers found Michael to be an extremely private person who, unlike many famous business leaders, never spoke much about his private life nor his daily and monthly routines. Analysts commented that this prevented people from understanding and learning from his leadership skills. More importantly, Michael was criticized for being a major reason for the lack of innovation in the PC industry. This was because the R&D budgets of all major PC makers had fallen as they raced to keep up with DELL. Michael was thus criticized for making the whole business of PC manufacturing a ‘cost game,’ and killing innovation. In the early 1990s, Michael launched a price war in the PC industry, forcing rival companies such as Compaq and IBM to develop strategies for lowering costs. In 2000, he launched another round of price wars. As a result, DELL’s market share went up by four points and Compaq lost its position as the world’s largest provider of PCs.
Some analysts went to the extent of claiming that Michael was never an innovator, but was only a businessman who was good at identifying innovative business models and executing them to perfection. Michael naturally looked at the situation from another point of view. He argued that his company had succeeded in producing cheap computers for buyers and earning huge returns for shareholders.
Michael’s ‘direct model’ had been criticized from the very beginning. When Michael entered foreign markets with the same model, critics said that it would not work in those markets because of certain cultural differences. Though Michael was warned that he would fail badly, he believed that customers would set their own rules and that the direct model would work cross-culturally. Michael’s assessment of the situation was correct. By the end of 2001, DELL earned most of its revenues from global markets (Refer Table IV for DELL’s region-wise revenues for 2001-02).
Table IV
Quarterly Revenues – Region-Wise
Quarterly revenue by region as percentages of consolidated net revenue

 Q4 FY02  Q3 FY02  Q4 FY01
Americas  70  70  70
Europe/Middle East/Africa  21  20  21
Asia-Pacific/Japan  9  10  9

Source: www.dell.com
Michael’s supporters claimed his visionary leadership had not only maintained but also accelerated DELL’s growth in spite of the global IT industry slowdown in the early 2000s. When PC shipments were coming down all over the world, DELL and IBM were the only vendors to record positive growth. DELL’s growth rate even exceeded that of IBM (Refer Table V to compare market shares and growth shares). According to a study conducted by Gartner, leading IT research concern DELL was the market leader worldwide with a market share of 13.3% in 2001. Worldwide, Compaq’s market share was only 11.1%. In the US, DELL had a 24.5% market share of the PC market, much more than Compaq’s 12.5%.
Table V
Worldwide Server Unit Shipment Estimates for 2001
Company  2001  2000 Growth
 Shipments Market Share (%)  Shipments Market Share (%)
Compaq  1,026,025  23.3  1,068,436  24.7  -4
Dell  711,614  16.1  568,410  13.1  25.2
IBM  661,547  15  657,979  15.2  0.5
HP  428,104  9.7  440,512  10.2  -2.8
Sun  254,053  5.8  289,231  6.7  -12.2
Others  1,326,072  30.1  1,302,943  30.1  1.8
Total Market  4,407,416  100  4,327,511  100  1.8

Source: Gartner Dataquest (January 2002).
Michael said that he would stick to his three golden rules for business, regardless of the downturn in the PC industry, namely, ‘disdain inventory,’ ‘always listen to the customer’ and ‘never sell indirect.’ Will these principles continue to provide DELL with a competitive edge in the PC industry? Only time will tell.

  • Analyze Dell’s philosophy as it relates to the role of change in organizational success.
  • Determine how Dell’s philosophy would be perceived in a low performing culture.
  • Identify which performing culture best suits your philosophy regarding change management and provide your rationale.
  • Consider the way Dell started his company; determine what market conditions made the business possible.
  • Discuss Dell’s approach to building his brand.
Develop a 4–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format, utilizing at least two scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) to complete your research, ensuring you cite references within the text and at the end in a reference list. Apply APA standards to the citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt.
Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship through accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

CIS 337 Assignment 2: Network Upgrade

CIS 337 Assignment 2: Network Upgrade


Assignment 2: Network Upgrade

Due Week 4 and worth 100 points
Imagine that you are the administrator for a small accounting company, which currently employees 200 people. The CEO announces a merger that would double the number employees to 400. Your current network design is as follows:

  • 200 host machines running Windows 8 with 10/100 auto sensing NIC
  • 9 Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switches (100 Mb)
  • 1 Cisco Router
  • Category 5 Ethernet cabling
  • Class C network address (supporting 254 addresses)
Write a two to three (2-3) page proposal in which you:
  1. Recommend one (1) strategy to upgrade the company’s current infrastructure to support the new / additional employees.
  2. Recommend one (1) strategy to create a high-performance network.
  3. Recommend one (1) new network address that will allow you to scale your network in the event of additional mergers.
  4. Design the new addressing scheme for the network through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Include charts or diagrams created in Visio or an equivalent such as Dia. The completed diagrams / charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Summarize the basic components and media of network systems and distinguish between Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), and Wide Area Networks (WANs).
  • Compare, contrast, create, and assign IP addresses to Class A, B, C, D, and E networks.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in Internetworking.
  • Write clearly and concisely about basic internetworking using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

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